

Enabling corporations to make climate impact by identifying and evaluating new technologies.

& Immersion

& Immersion

Programmes for clean and climate tech startups to discover the UK ecosystem

Access to

Access to

Providing a curated programme of cutting edge technology, investment opportunities.

& Project

& Project

Operating as a gateway to transformational clean and climate tech solutions.



Facilitating pivotal connections within the cleantech ecosystem to make climate impact.

As the UK’s leading cleantech innovation network, Cambridge Cleantech brings together innovators, investors, corporates, academics and the public sector to create a sustainable future. 

Through events, technology scouting, projects and investment matching, we tackle global sustainability challenges in some of the most dynamic sectors, including energy, transport, building tech, water, hydrogen and circular economy. 

Meet Pivotal People

Connecting you to the key people within the cleantech ecosystem, building connections and helping you navigate this dynamic and rapidly evolving sector. Opening doors and fostering collaboration, to accelerate progress towards a sustainable future.

Make Climate Impact

By combining resources and sharing knowledge we have the ability to amplify impact. Cross pollinating ideas and building a paradigm of trust the shared goal balances competing interests to focus on scaling innovations at speed in our pursuit of a cleaner and greener tomorrow.

The Ecosystem

It only works, if we all work together. Cambridge Cleantech is an climate technology enabler, facilitating the connections of all players within the ecosystem to power change in the world. 



From Pre-seed to Series B we work with all climate focused investors across all geographies.

Professional Services


Whether you offer IP advice, accountancy or talent acquisition, we have connections across all sectors.

Bloomberg NEF


Working with some of the finest research organisations and sector experts in the UK and globally.

G from Enso

Cleantech Innovators

Innovators are amongst the World's greatest problem solvers providing climate and cleantech solutions.

Maurits van Tol, Johnson Matthey


From SMEs to global multinationals, learn more about cleantech solutions to help you reach net-zero.

Desafía London Immersion Programme for Spanish Government

Public Sector

Mobilising innovations via immersion and acceleration programmes, to meet carbon reduction targets.

Cleantech Solutions

Powering progress for a sustainable future, these  solutions are revolutionizing industries, minimizing environmental impact, and driving sustainable growth. From smart grids and energy-efficient buildings to electric vehicles and sustainable agriculture, clean technology transcends industries, optimising resources, reducing emissions and challenging global warming. 


Latest News


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Cambridge Cleantech welcomes The Crown Estate as Strategic Innovation Partnership Member

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